Parser / lexer
The parser and the lexer are managed via Bison / Flex. That is, the parser is LALR(1).
The file containing rules is src/scanner.ll. To parse tokens, tokens.{cc,hh} files are used (convert int, strings…). To avoid issues with extra line feeds at the start / the end of the file, a new line token is added at the start and at the end of the file. This is done in
The file containing the grammar rules is src/parser.yy. There are multiple sections :
- Declarations : Functions, types, blocks…
- Statements : Instructions, control blocks…
- Expressions : Every operation that produce a value on the TOS (binary / unary operations…)
- Atoms : Basic expressions such as constants
- Tokens : Compound tokens such as stop which is a sequence of STOP (line feeds)
Expressions are complex because of precedence, some expressions must be parsed before others. To avoid conflicts, here are the types of expressions :
- exp : Abstract expression used in statements
- set : Assignment, can be chained
- boolean : Not, And, Or…
- comparison : Binary comparison with boolean comparison operators (==…) or other operators like is / is not…
- binary : Binary arithmetic operation (+ - / *…)
- unary : Unary arithmetic operation (-x…)
- primary : Contains atoms, calls, attribute references, indexings…
Expressions are parsed in order from primary to exp (primary has a greater precedence than exp).