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Interpreted language made in C++ designed for algorithms / data structures

Doc Strings

This page describes the format of a doc string. Please, see the syntax documentation for an introduction.

Doc string syntax

It is possible to document your functions / types using doc strings :

# Functions
doc'My fib function'
fn fib() {

# Types
doc"My type"
newtype MyType

# Methods
You can use raw strings too
fn MyType.fac() {

To display this documentation, use the doc builtin :

print doc(fib)
# prints 'My fib function'

Tip : The !doc attribute variable can be set on most objects, it contains the doc string if @doc is not overriden.

Documentation syntax

The format is inspired by Markdown.

Basic syntax

Method small description.

- Arg1, Arg1Type (if necessary) : Arg1 description
- [OptionalArg2], Arg2Type : Arg2 description
- return, ReturnType : Return description

Complete syntax

The complete format is described below.

Note that the generator is not implemented for version v0.1, this section is a draft for the future documentation generator.


This is a small description.
*italic word* **bold word** ***italic and bold word***.

Two newlines = new paragraph

\> : escaped character (>)


# Module
## Object
### Attribute
#### Custom section


+ Item 1
+ Item 2
+ Item 3


- fun, Functor : The function to test
- arg, Type : Description
- [arg], Type : Optional arg
- [args...], Type : Description
- return, Type : Description


* Note : See also []
* Note : Description
* Warning : Description
* Error, AssertionError : If returns false
* Error : 42 might be thrown
* Example : `

Code Listings

> inline_code()


Documentation Generator (autodoc)

A documentation generator is provided with Riddim. The builtin function autodoc generates documentation for all provided modules :

modules = {
    'Builtins': builtins,
    'Math': math,

notes = {
    'Version': 'v1.0a',

autodoc('tests/autodoc', modules, notes: notes, lowercase_filenames: true)

This example generates these files :