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Interpreted language made in C++ designed for algorithms / data structures

Build / install configuration

Riddim can be customized with the script located at the root of the project. In this script, multiple variables can be overriden like the location of the riddim binary. All variables are commented and described in this script.


When developing Riddim, it can be useful to print some informations. It is possible to define some definitions to display those messages.

Flags (defines)

These definitions can be defined in the script, the variable must be exported with this syntax :


# Will define the DEBUG definition
export RID_DEBUG=1
Name C / CMake Description
DEBUG C Debug mode.
DEBUG_ERRORS C Show when an error is thrown and display its type.
DEBUG_GC C Prints when the garbage collector is running and how many objects are alive
DEBUG_PARSER_CONFLICTS CMake Prints shift / reduce or reduce / reduce conflicts of the parser at compile time